Wiklex Terms of Use
Wiklex Terms of Use
updated 2020-01-01
This is included and not included in your monthly fee as a subscription customer:
We assure you that the website that Wiklex has built for you and that you have chosen to upgrade to premium is kept online to 99.5% in the form of bandwidth and web hosting.
We are not responsible for problems with your domain provider and any disruptions that arise in connection with problems with your domain provider.
Mobile optimization of your website so that your website looks good on smartphones.
We work continuously to improve your visitors' experience on their smartphones and will continuously update your website's mobile adaptation to keep up with technological developments.
Search engine optimization of your website on selected keywords. You have the right to choose up to 3 keywords per website that Wiklex has built for you. We maintain the keywords and work continuously to ensure that your website ranks as high as possible on the keywords you have chosen. We make no warranties on results and / or on behalf of Google or other search engines.
You also have the right to change keywords whenever you want and we optimize your website continuously according to your chosen keywords.
Maintenance in the form of changing / updating simple existing texts, images and media on your website that is not possible to update from your personal control panel. We also offer removal of texts, images and media that you no longer want.
If you ask us to remove texts, images and / or media, no right of withdrawal is offered and you will be charged extra for reinstalling any texts, images and / or media that you want to reinstall / add.
Maintenance does not include adding additional pages, tabs, sub-tabs, sections, sections or content or major design changes to your website. Only the already existing content on the website is relevant for maintenance, ie change / update. All other supplements are charged separately and agreed on each individual occasion.
A control panel where you can control selected sections and parts of your website. You choose yourself in connection with becoming a subscription customer, in agreement with Wiklex, which sections and parts of your website you want to be able to check, change and update on your own. You can not delete sections on your own for your own safety provided that it is not a product list or specific database where you should, in order to be able to complete your daily activities on the website, be able to delete content.
Modernization of your website once every 2 years. To ensure that your website remains modern and that it uses the latest technology, we offer modernization once every two years. We offer this within a period of 40 days from the time we inform you that your "modernization period" has begun. During the modernization period, you have the opportunity to request complete design changes to your website, provided that it does not require further systems and / or system development on your website.
Termination and refund of your website:
If you wish to cancel your subscription with Wiklex, please contact us via email at info@wiklex.com as soon as possible and notify us in writing that you wish to cancel your subscription. Your subscription will only be canceled after you have received confirmation from us via email. Your website remains online until your already paid subscription period has expired.
We offer a 14-day right of withdrawal from the time you receive your first Wiklex invoice. After 14 days, it is not possible to cancel your purchase.
We send invoices per quarter or per year based on what we have agreed with you orally and / or in writing. Already paid invoices can not be refunded, however you can when you want to cancel your subscription with Wiklex and then we will not send any more invoices after your already paid subscription time has expired and your website is taken offline when the subscription time you have already paid for has expired.
Upon termination of your website, it is taken offline and can no longer be accessed via your domain.
Upon termination of your website, all content on your website will be deleted. You have the right to have your content such as texts, images and / or media sent to you before we delete your website. This must then be requested no later than 14 days before your prepaid subscription period has expired.
Rights of your website:
You as the customer are responsible for providing us, or ordering from us, materials, such as texts, images, videos, etc, to your website. Therefore, the liability for copyright, copyright liability and intellectual property rights for the content on your website land in full on you as the customer. It is incredibly important that you do not ask us to use materials that you are not really sure you may use or that you use someone else's materials without permission as it violates copyright law. We can provide external work in the form of graphic design and shaping to ensure that you have unique content. Talk to us about materials and content for your website and we will help you come up with a solution that suits you. Graphic design may be charged separately.
All content on your website must be approved by you before it is used. We use material from three sources: (1) your own content that you send to us, (2) via a single database that we have rights to use the content without infringing on anyone else's rights and (3) material you ordered from us specifically to your website.
Important to understand: You are responsible for the material and content on your website and you own all content displayed to your users. Therefore, it is important that you go through all content such as texts, images, movies, etc. that are visible to your users and ensure that you have the right to use the content and material.
Coding and basic programming on your website is owned by Wiklex and Wix respectively. You have no right to take part in backend, frontend coding or Corvid codes that are used exclusively by Wiklex and Wix respectively. You do not own any form of coding or programming on your website. These are wholly owned and supplied by Wiklex and Wix respectively.
Any third party systems that we have integrated on your website are owned by the respective third party.
In the event of a dispute, the cooperation between Wiklex and you and your website is terminated. Your website then goes offline and is deleted when your already paid subscription period has expired.
By paying / having paid a Wiklex invoice (sent from ES Elias Partners AB or Studio 57 Enterprises AB) regarding the "Website Subscription Package", you accept these customer / user terms and confirm that you have read, understood and applied the terms.
If you have any questions, please contact us at info@wiklex.com, wiklex.com or at our visiting address: Västberga Allé 9, 126 30 Stockholm, Sweden.